Uni Lab商品特色:
採用 100% 阿拉比卡咖啡豆
Uni Lab品牌理念:
Uni Lab嚴選高品質莊園,講究咖啡豆的產地與風味,並透過嚴謹的製程與檢驗機制生產 ,使每一口咖啡都醇粹、自然,讓每位懂生活的人都有最安心的選擇。
Uni Lab品牌訴求:
Uni Lab嚴選高品質莊園,講究咖啡豆的產地與風味,並透過嚴謹的製程與檢驗機制生產,致力讓送到您手中的咖啡都是最好的狀態,讓咖啡不僅僅是咖啡,更是一種生活享受與態度,讓Uni Lab成為最貼近生活的咖啡品牌。Uni Lab從咖啡豆選擇,到對精緻生活的訴求,到製作成品的細緻設計,默默照顧每一位顧客的日常,讓產品與形象自然在顧客心中輝映著感動,從而推進口碑行銷。讓每一口咖啡都醇粹、自然,使每位懂生活的人都有最安心的選擇。Uni Lab傳遞生活溫度,讓每一位消費者都能透過Uni Lab 開啟美好的一天。
成分: 100%阿拉比卡豆新鮮磨碎咖啡
內容物名稱: UniLab肯亞AA濾掛咖啡
風味描述: 烏梅、黑糖、小紅莓
內容量: 每個禮盒各20包 (10公克/包,20包/盒)
烘焙度: 中淺焙
處理法: 水洗
咖啡因含量: 71.1mg/100ml
原產地(國): 台灣
保存期限: 540日
廠商名稱: 統一夢公園生活事業(股)公司
廠商電話: 0800-789-168
廠商地址: 台南市永康區中正路301號C棟2樓
投保產品責任險: 富邦產物保險0506-24AML0001547
食品業者登錄字號: D-170486723-00000-8
Creation Year
Artwork Theme
Imagery,Landscape Paintings,Architecture & Design,Urban landscape
Creation Material
Canvas Size
10.5 cm × 20cm
Frame Type
Sold Unframed
About the artist
Ellie is an artist with a deep passion for creation, whose works always originate from the small moments of daily life. She seamlessly integrates her surroundings, experiences, and emotions into her art. Through her unique perspective, Ellie captures the vibrant moments of life and presents them to her audience in artistic form.
Her creative themes are diverse, encompassing everything from the joy of street food, travel adventures, the bustling scenes of local markets, intoxicating natural landscapes, the fervor of social movements, the grand atmosphere of festival parades, to the street scenes during the pandemic and election campaigns. Her paintings are not merely static images but time portals that transport viewers into her world, allowing them to feel the warmth of the emotions embedded in each scene.
Ellie records daily life through sketches, and when she encounters moments that deeply resonate with her, she internalizes them as the foundation for her work. This unique approach gives her pieces an authentic sense of real life and emotional resonance. As viewers enjoy her paintings, they not only witness the scenes but also connect with her emotions and perspectives, making her work richer and more dynamic.
Ellie’s art is a reflection of life and an expression of emotion, allowing us to gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty in our everyday experiences. Her work reminds us that even in the most ordinary moments, there lies infinite artistic inspiration waiting to be discovered and expressed.