Man Han Imperial Feast 10th Anniversary Blue Print Special Exhibition
展覽集結了多位玲廊滿藝傑出當代藝術家,呈現各自對龍年寓意的詮釋與創作,包括曾啟文的《藍海金龍》,以其鮮明的色彩與生動姿態描繪出靈動的紅龍,每一次擺動皆展現出王者風範;彭柏勳的《龍鳳呈祥》,以龍與鳳和諧交織,寓意吉祥如意;鍾奕華的《龍騰上天》,紅霞映照繁花,象徵喜氣滿意;Su的《花開富貴 吉祥如意》,細膩筆觸描繪盛開花朵搭配藍色孔雀,帶有長壽的寓意在其中;日淳的《舞春1》,以舞動的龍身展現童趣與春意;程宇鎂的《龍華富貴》,結合花卉與龍形元素象徵富貴繁華;官瑛的《富貴花開》,白牡丹與黑牡丹相映,刻畫繁榮與幸福。
Man Han Imperial Feast 10th Anniversary Blue Print Special Exhibition
The "Man Han Imperial Feast 10th Anniversary Blue Print Special Exhibition" reflects on the development of Man Han Imperial Feast since its inception and showcases the gift boxes co-designed with the National Palace Museum Boutique. The collaboration, which began in 2019, seamlessly blends the quintessential Chinese culinary delight—beef noodles—with the elegant aesthetics of the National Palace Museum, offering a feast for both the eyes and taste buds.